Simple. Yet sexy

O&O’s take on the Ipsos solution has been to create a great digital platform; based on simple access and a flexible and proven CMS, then matching that with an intuitive, responsive and stunning design, supporting engagement and call to action. Focusing on the user experience O&O will make sure to create a platform to support Ipsos as a preferred partner by assuring that relevant information is brought to the attention of the user in the right way. At the same time we will support simple and easy to use means for Ipsos to initiate dialogue, based on user behavior.

To make sure that both Ipsos and the target groups of clients, potential clients, partners and other influencers will feel the wow factor when visiting the Ipsos sites, our solution will further include the highest standards in graphics, imagery, design composition and copy writing for primary messages. Design and UX (user experience) will be supported by cool transitions, automated on screen changes, interaction features and dedicated video and animation etc.

User Experience, design, programming, usability
and CMS including all content upload

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O&O is a full service advertising agency with long-term first hand knowledge of Ipsos, the Ipsos target groups and the Nordic region. We excel in project management, making sure that Ipsos will enjoy a smooth, dedicated and positive process during the tight time frame.

Our Ipsos team will be headed by a partner and digital solution specialist and further include designers, CMS superusers, copywriter, project manager, evelopers/programmers and creative concept developer.

At O&O it is up to you how much, or how little, you will prefer to be “hands on involved” in the every day progress, and we propose that we commit to an engagement model upon start up to ensure Ipsos a high and flexible service level.

For further information on O&O please see last section and visit